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  • Writer's pictureMichael LeBlanc

Getting the GTA Unstuck

Solid article here from University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management head of the The Martin Prosperity Institute Richard Florida on post Toronto post election challenges and opportunities:

I just returned from business trips in London and New York, and yes, traffic is brutal in prosperous cities. Red means stop. But there are solutions...and building more roads isn't it.

London transit system moves people - and what a joy now to be able to tap on/tap off your credit card on the turnstile (in addition to their Oyster card) for entrance instead of having to stand in front of that vending machine. Note there for TTC...I'm loading up my Presto card with a credit card anyway...

The Big Apple is another story. Just jammed with cabs, Uber, Lyft...and their transit system is in crisis...good luck Andy Byford (

Business and retail flow when people do - we have two levels of government in Ontario with recent strong electoral mandates - and as Florida points out, time to get us unstuck!

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